Friday, February 11, 2011

Dolphins and Apples

Yes, I am well aware that both Apple and Dolphins are unrelated unless apple has some great big secret about idolphins next...I can see it now... Conquering the oceans by use of dolphins with secret apple chips placed inside.

Apple... the dolphins are next....

But all jokes aside from Apple using dolphins to conquer the world even more (I would not be surprised by the way). This blog post was supposed to be about the Taiji Dolphin Slayings, but due to an unfortunate event I am dedicating it partly to Apple just cause I can.

So first on the agenda is Taiji. Taiji is a small fishing community with some big news. For those who have not seen The Cove, a Documentary on the Dolphin killings that go on there... well... I just spoiled it. So yea... reason why I bring it up now was I saw a newspaper article about it. Thing is we kinda already knew what was going on since the whole movie... I guess they were out of story ideas.

Then again seeing dolphins die was not how I thought that film was gonna work but hey... surprises for everyone right? I love dolphins, I have loved them since I was a kid and Orcas are my favorite and yes they are a Dolphin.  Taiji, Japan is a coastal town that seems devoted to dolphins of all kind. But their biggest source of income is not tourism, but catching dolphins to go to water parks or for meat.

Worse of all, is the fact that the meat often contains high levels of mercury that is unsafe for human consumption. So many Japanese people can get sick from consuming the meat. Sometimes the meat is labeled as more expensive whale meat and people are conned into buying it. Recently they removed it from children's school lunches.

For anyone interested in the issue I encourage you to watch the film and do some of your own research. Alot of interesting things can be said about this issue. So if anyone wants me to focus on the effects and what not I think I'll save it for a later blog post.

And as for Apple.... well

I guess i'm only angry that a charger

Similar to this but a little newer...
Cost $85 dollars... Yes.... I totally spent $85... on a charger.... Darn you apple and your supplies... and high prices.....

I mean Its surprising to me how much they charge and what happens when something goes wrong.  A while back my hard drive stopped working randomly... I didn't even know it would. Needless to say I lost everything and WORSE of all... was the way apple explained it. Basically my hard drive scratched itself. How is that even possible... I dunno

All I know is Apple is not very nice. But I do admit even though macs are stupid for gaming (and yes I get alot of grief about it) the movie making and audio making programs that are already installed on here are amazing.

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